Split Sole Clogging Shoe (Youth Sizes) - Black or White BUCK TAPS Installed
Regular price
Youth: This shoe is available in youth sizes up to a youth 2.
NOTE: For youth wearing sizes 2.5 and up, you will move into the small ladies sizes. A Youth 2 is similar to a ladies 4, Youth 3 similar to a ladies 5.
Split Sole Clogging Shoe with BUCK TAP (Free Installation)
Available in WHITE or BLACK. Confirm your selection as you place the order.
NOTE: Photo is of a WHITE shoe and will not change when you select BLACK. The color you order is printed on your order info.
Midwest Clogging Connection is a proud dealer for Stevens Stompers® Buck Taps® have a toe flange that provides tap sound, when touching the tip of the shoe on the floor, and helps protect the tip of the shoe from wear. Stevens Stompers® is a registered trademark of Stevens Clogging Supplies, Inc.
Add Buck Taps to your shoe order and they will be installed on your new shoes at NO CHARGE.